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Top-level package for evalify.


Evalify main module used for creating the verification experiments.

Creates experiments with embedding pairs to compare for face verification tasks including positive pairs, negative pairs and metrics calculations using a very optimized einstein sum. Many operations are dispatched to canonical BLAS, cuBLAS, or other specialized routines. Extremely large arrays are split into smaller batches, every batch would consume the roughly the maximum available memory.

Typical usage example:

experiment = Experiment(), y)


Source code in evalify/
class Experiment:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.experiment_sucess = False
        self.cached_predicted_as_similarity = {}

    def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwds: Any) -> Any:
        return*args, **kwds)

    def run(
        X: np.ndarray,
        y: np.ndarray,
        metrics: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = "cosine_similarity",
        same_class_samples: T_str_int = "full",
        different_class_samples: Union[str, int, Sequence[T_str_int]] = "minimal",
        batch_size: Union[T_str_int, None] = "best",
        shuffle: bool = False,
        seed: Union[int, None] = None,
        return_embeddings: bool = False,
        p: int = 3,
    ) -> pd.DataFrame:
        """Runs an experiment for face verification

            X: Embeddings array
            y: Targets for X as integers
                - 'cosine_similarity'
                - 'pearson_similarity'
                - 'cosine_distance'
                - 'euclidean_distance'
                - 'euclidean_distance_l2'
                - 'minkowski_distance'
                - 'manhattan_distance'
                - 'chebyshev_distance'
                - list/tuple containing more than one of them.
                - 'full': Samples all possible images within each class to create all
                    all possible positive pairs.
                -  int: Samples specific number of images for every class to create
                    nC2 pairs where n is passed integer.
                - 'full': Samples one image from every class with all possible pairs
                    of different classes. This can grow exponentially as the number
                    of images increase. (N, M) = (1, "full")
                - 'minimal': Samples one image from every class with one image of
                    all other classes. (N, M) = (1, 1). (Default)
                - int: Samples one image from every class with provided number of
                    images of every other class.
                - tuple or list: (N, M) Samples N images from every class with M images of
                    every other class.
                - 'best': Let the program decide based on available memory such that every
                    batch will fit into the available memory. (Default)
                - int: Manually decide the batch_size.
                - None: No batching. All experiment and intermediate results must fit into
                    memory or a MemoryError will be raised.
            shuffle: Whether to shuffle the returned experiment dataframe. Default: False.
            return_embeddings: Whether to return the embeddings instead of indexes.
                Default: False
                The order of the norm of the difference. Should be `0 < p < 1`, Only valid with minkowski_distance as a metric.
                Default = 3

            pandas.DataFrame: A DataFrame representing the experiment results.

            ValueError: An error occurred with the provided arguments.

                If the provided number is greater than the achievable for the class,
                the maximum possible combinations are used.
                If the provided number is greater than the achievable for the class,
                the maximum possible combinations are used. (N, M) can also be
                ('full', 'full') but this will calculate all possible combinations
                between all posibile negative samples. If the dataset is not small
                this will probably result in an extremely large array!.
        if isinstance(metrics, str):
            metrics = (metrics,)

            metrics, same_class_samples, different_class_samples, batch_size, p
        X, y = _validate_vectors(X, y)
        all_targets = np.unique(y)
        all_pairs = []
        metric_fns = list(map(metrics_caller.get, metrics))
        self.seed = seed
        self.rng = np.random.default_rng(self.seed)
        for target in all_targets:
            all_pairs += self._get_pairs(

        self.df = pd.DataFrame(
            data=all_pairs, columns=["img_a", "img_b", "target_a", "target_b", "target"]
        experiment_size = len(self.df)
        if shuffle:
            self.df = self.df.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed)
        if batch_size == "best":
            batch_size = calculate_best_batch_size(X)
        elif batch_size is None:
            batch_size = experiment_size
        kwargs = {}
        if any(metric in METRICS_NEED_NORM for metric in metrics):
            kwargs["norms"] = get_norms(X)
        if any(metric in METRICS_NEED_ORDER for metric in metrics):
            kwargs["p"] = p

        img_a = self.df.img_a.to_numpy()
        img_b = self.df.img_b.to_numpy()

        img_a_s = np.array_split(img_a, np.ceil(experiment_size / batch_size))
        img_b_s = np.array_split(img_b, np.ceil(experiment_size / batch_size))

        for metric, metric_fn in zip(metrics, metric_fns):
            self.df[metric] = np.hstack(
                [metric_fn(X, i, j, **kwargs) for i, j in zip(img_a_s, img_b_s)]
        if return_embeddings:
            self.df["img_a"] = X[img_a].tolist()
            self.df["img_b"] = X[img_b].tolist()

        self.experiment_sucess = True
        self.metrics = metrics
        return self.df

    def _get_pairs(
    ) -> List[Tuple]:
        """Generates experiment pairs."""
        same_ixs_full = np.argwhere(y == target).ravel()
        if isinstance(same_class_samples, int):
            same_class_samples = min(len(same_ixs_full), same_class_samples)
            same_ixs = self.rng.choice(same_ixs_full, same_class_samples)
        elif same_class_samples == "full":
            same_ixs = same_ixs_full
        same_pairs = itertools.combinations(same_ixs, 2)
        same_pairs = [(a, b, target, target, 1) for a, b in same_pairs]

        different_ixs = np.argwhere(y != target).ravel()
        diff_df = pd.DataFrame(data={"ix": different_ixs, "target": y[different_ixs]})

        diff_df = diff_df.sample(frac=1, random_state=self.seed)
        if different_class_samples in ["full", "minimal"] or isinstance(
            different_class_samples, int
            N = 1
            if different_class_samples == "minimal":
                diff_df = diff_df.drop_duplicates(subset=["target"])
            N, M = different_class_samples
            N = len(same_ixs_full) if N == "full" else min(N, len(same_ixs_full))
            if M != "full":
                diff_df = diff_df.groupby("target").apply(lambda x: x[:M]).droplevel(0)

        different_ixs = diff_df.ix.to_numpy()

        different_pairs = itertools.product(
            self.rng.choice(same_ixs_full, N, replace=False), different_ixs
        different_pairs = [(a, b, target, y[b], 0) for a, b in different_pairs if a < b]

        return same_pairs + different_pairs

    def _validate_args(
        self, metrics, same_class_samples, different_class_samples, batch_size, p
    ) -> None:
        """Validates passed arguments to method."""
        if same_class_samples != "full" and not isinstance(same_class_samples, int):
            raise ValueError(
                "`same_class_samples` argument must be one of 'full' or an integer "
                f"Received: same_class_samples={same_class_samples}"

        if different_class_samples not in ("full", "minimal"):
            if not isinstance(different_class_samples, (int, list, tuple)):
                raise ValueError(
                    "`different_class_samples` argument must be one of 'full', 'minimal', "
                    "an integer, a list or tuple of integers or keyword 'full'."
                    f"Received: different_class_samples={different_class_samples}."
            elif isinstance(different_class_samples, (list, tuple)):
                if (
                    not (
                            isinstance(i, int) or i == "full"
                            for i in different_class_samples
                    or (len(different_class_samples)) != 2
                    raise ValueError(
                        "When passing `different_class_samples` as a tuple or list, "
                        "elements must be exactly two of integer type or keyword 'full' "
                        "(N, M). "
                        f"Received: different_class_samples={different_class_samples}."

        if (
            batch_size != "best"
            and not isinstance(batch_size, int)
            and batch_size is not None
            raise ValueError(
                '`batch_size` argument must be either "best" or of type integer '
                f"Received: batch_size={batch_size} with type {type(batch_size)}."

        if any(metric not in metrics_caller for metric in metrics):
            raise ValueError(
                f"`metric` argument must be one of {tuple(metrics_caller.keys())} "
                f"Received: metric={metrics}"

        if p < 1:
            raise ValueError(f"`p` must be an int and at least 1. Received: p={p}")

    def find_optimal_cutoff(self):
        """Find the optimal cutoff point
            float: Optimal cutoff value

        self.optimal_cutoff = {}
        for metric in self.metrics:
            fpr, tpr, threshold = roc_curve(self.df["target"], self.df[metric])
            i = np.arange(len(tpr))
            roc = pd.DataFrame(
                    "tf": pd.Series(tpr - (1 - fpr), index=i),
                    "threshold": pd.Series(threshold, index=i),
            roc_t = roc.iloc[( - 0).abs().argsort()[:1]]
            self.optimal_cutoff[metric] = roc_t["threshold"].item()
        return self.optimal_cutoff

    def find_threshold_at_fpr(self, fpr: float):
        """Finds optimal threshold at a given FPR.

            fpr: False positive rate to find best threshold for.
            dict: A dictionary with keys as metrics and values as thresholds.
            ValueError: If `fpr` is not between 0 and 1.
        if not 0 <= fpr <= 1:
            raise ValueError(
                "`fpr` must be between 0 and 1. " f"Received wanted_fpr={fpr}"
        threshold_at_fpr = {}
        for metric in self.metrics:
            predicted = self.predicted_as_similarity(metric)
            FPR, TPR, thresholds = roc_curve(
                self.df["target"], predicted, drop_intermediate=False
            df_fpr_tpr = pd.DataFrame({"FPR": FPR, "TPR": TPR, "Threshold": thresholds})
            ix_left = np.searchsorted(df_fpr_tpr["FPR"], fpr, side="left")
            ix_right = np.searchsorted(df_fpr_tpr["FPR"], fpr, side="right")

            if fpr == 0:
                best = df_fpr_tpr.iloc[ix_right]
            elif fpr == 1 or ix_left == ix_right:
                best = df_fpr_tpr.iloc[ix_left]
                best = (
                    if abs(df_fpr_tpr.iloc[ix_left].FPR - fpr)
                    < abs(df_fpr_tpr.iloc[ix_right].FPR - fpr)
                    else df_fpr_tpr.iloc[ix_right]
            best = best.to_dict()
            if metric in REVERSE_DISTANCE_TO_SIMILARITY:
                best["Threshold"] = REVERSE_DISTANCE_TO_SIMILARITY.get(metric)(
            threshold_at_fpr[metric] = best
        return threshold_at_fpr

    def get_binary_prediction(self, metric, threshold):
        """Find binary prediction from distance or similarity.
            metric: Metric name for the desired prediction.
            threshold: Cut off threshold.
            pd.Series: Binary predictions.
        return (
            self.df[metric].apply(lambda x: 1 if x < threshold else 0)
            if metric in DISTANCE_TO_SIMILARITY
            else self.df[metric].apply(lambda x: 1 if x > threshold else 0)

    def evaluate_at_threshold(self, threshold: float, metric: str):
        """Evaluate performance at specific threshold
            threshold: Cut-off threshold.
            metric: Metric to use.

            dict: A dict ontaining all evaluation metrics.
        self.metrics_evaluation = {}
        for metric in self.metrics:
            predicted = self.get_binary_prediction(metric, threshold)
            cm = confusion_matrix(self.df["target"], predicted)
            tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel()
            TPR = tp / (tp + fn)  # recall / true positive rate
            TNR = tn / (tn + fp)  # true negative rate
            PPV = tp / (tp + fp)  # precision / positive predicted value
            NPV = tn / (tn + fn)  # negative predictive value
            FPR = fp / (fp + tn)  # false positive rate
            FNR = 1 - TPR  # false negative rate
            FDR = 1 - PPV  # false discovery rate
            FOR = 1 - NPV  # false omission rate
            F1 = 2 * (PPV * TPR) / (PPV + TPR)
            # LRp = TPR / FPR  # positive likelihood ratio (LR+)
            # LRn = FNR / TNR  # negative likelihood ratio (LR+)

            evaluation = {
                "TPR": TPR,
                "TNR": TNR,
                "PPV": PPV,
                "NPV": NPV,
                "FPR": FPR,
                "FNR": FNR,
                "FDR": FDR,
                "FOR": FOR,
                "F1": F1,
                # "LR+": LRp,
                # "LR-": LRn,

            # self.metrics_evaluation[metric] = evaluation

        return evaluation

    def check_experiment_run(self, metric=None):
        caller = sys._getframe().f_back.f_code.co_name
        if not self.experiment_sucess:
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"`{caller}` function can only be run after running "
        if metric is not None and metric not in self.metrics:
            raise ValueError(
                f"`{caller}` function was can only be called with `metric` from "
                f"{self.metrics} which were used while running the experiment"
        return True

    def get_roc_auc(self) -> OrderedDict:
        """Find ROC AUC for all the metrics used.
            collections.OrderedDict: An OrderedDict with AUC for all metrics.
        self.roc_auc = {}
        for metric in self.metrics:
            predicted = self.predicted_as_similarity(metric)
            fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(
                self.df["target"], predicted, drop_intermediate=False
            self.roc_auc[metric] = auc(fpr, tpr)
        self.roc_auc = OrderedDict(
            sorted(self.roc_auc.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
        return self.roc_auc

    def predicted_as_similarity(self, metric: str) -> pd.Series:
        """Convert distance metrics to a similarity measure.
            metric: distance metric to convert to similarity. If a similarity metric is
                passed, It gets returned unchanged.
            pd.Series: Converted distance to similarity.

        predicted = self.df[metric]
        if metric in DISTANCE_TO_SIMILARITY:
            predicted = (
                if metric in self.cached_predicted_as_similarity
                else DISTANCE_TO_SIMILARITY.get(metric)(predicted)
            self.cached_predicted_as_similarity[metric] = predicted
        return predicted

    def calculate_eer(self) -> OrderedDict:
        Calculates the Equal Error Rate (EER) for each metric.

        Returns an ordered dictionary containing the EER value and threshold for each metric.
        The metrics are sorted in ascending order based on the EER values.

            OrderedDict: A dictionary containing the EER value and threshold for each metric.
                The metrics are sorted in ascending order based on the EER values.
                Example: {'metric1': {'EER': 0.123, 'Threshold': 0.456},
        self.eer = {}
        for metric in self.metrics:
            predicted = self.predicted_as_similarity(metric)
            actual = self.df["target"]

            # Calculate False Positive Rate (FPR) and True Positive Rate (TPR)
            fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(actual, predicted, pos_label=1, drop_intermediate=False)
            fnr = 1 - tpr
            eer_threshold = thresholds[np.nanargmin(np.absolute(fnr - fpr))]
            # theoretically eer from fpr and eer from fnr should be identical but they can be slightly differ in reality
            eer_1 = fpr[np.nanargmin(np.absolute((fnr - fpr)))]
            eer_2 = fnr[np.nanargmin(np.absolute((fnr - fpr)))]
            if metric in REVERSE_DISTANCE_TO_SIMILARITY:
                eer_threshold = REVERSE_DISTANCE_TO_SIMILARITY.get(metric)(eer_threshold)

            # return the mean of eer from fpr and from fnr
            self.eer[metric] = {'EER': (eer_1 + eer_2) / 2, 'Threshold': eer_threshold}
        self.eer = OrderedDict(
            sorted(self.eer.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['EER'], reverse=False)

        return self.eer


Calculates the Equal Error Rate (EER) for each metric.

Returns an ordered dictionary containing the EER value and threshold for each metric. The metrics are sorted in ascending order based on the EER values.


Type Description

A dictionary containing the EER value and threshold for each metric. The metrics are sorted in ascending order based on the EER values. Example: {'metric1': {'EER': 0.123, 'Threshold': 0.456}, ...}

Source code in evalify/
def calculate_eer(self) -> OrderedDict:
    Calculates the Equal Error Rate (EER) for each metric.

    Returns an ordered dictionary containing the EER value and threshold for each metric.
    The metrics are sorted in ascending order based on the EER values.

        OrderedDict: A dictionary containing the EER value and threshold for each metric.
            The metrics are sorted in ascending order based on the EER values.
            Example: {'metric1': {'EER': 0.123, 'Threshold': 0.456},
    self.eer = {}
    for metric in self.metrics:
        predicted = self.predicted_as_similarity(metric)
        actual = self.df["target"]

        # Calculate False Positive Rate (FPR) and True Positive Rate (TPR)
        fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(actual, predicted, pos_label=1, drop_intermediate=False)
        fnr = 1 - tpr
        eer_threshold = thresholds[np.nanargmin(np.absolute(fnr - fpr))]
        # theoretically eer from fpr and eer from fnr should be identical but they can be slightly differ in reality
        eer_1 = fpr[np.nanargmin(np.absolute((fnr - fpr)))]
        eer_2 = fnr[np.nanargmin(np.absolute((fnr - fpr)))]
            eer_threshold = REVERSE_DISTANCE_TO_SIMILARITY.get(metric)(eer_threshold)

        # return the mean of eer from fpr and from fnr
        self.eer[metric] = {'EER': (eer_1 + eer_2) / 2, 'Threshold': eer_threshold}
    self.eer = OrderedDict(
        sorted(self.eer.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['EER'], reverse=False)

    return self.eer

evaluate_at_threshold(self, threshold, metric)

Evaluate performance at specific threshold


Name Type Description Default
threshold float

Cut-off threshold.

metric str

Metric to use.



Type Description

A dict ontaining all evaluation metrics.

Source code in evalify/
def evaluate_at_threshold(self, threshold: float, metric: str):
    """Evaluate performance at specific threshold
        threshold: Cut-off threshold.
        metric: Metric to use.

        dict: A dict ontaining all evaluation metrics.
    self.metrics_evaluation = {}
    for metric in self.metrics:
        predicted = self.get_binary_prediction(metric, threshold)
        cm = confusion_matrix(self.df["target"], predicted)
        tn, fp, fn, tp = cm.ravel()
        TPR = tp / (tp + fn)  # recall / true positive rate
        TNR = tn / (tn + fp)  # true negative rate
        PPV = tp / (tp + fp)  # precision / positive predicted value
        NPV = tn / (tn + fn)  # negative predictive value
        FPR = fp / (fp + tn)  # false positive rate
        FNR = 1 - TPR  # false negative rate
        FDR = 1 - PPV  # false discovery rate
        FOR = 1 - NPV  # false omission rate
        F1 = 2 * (PPV * TPR) / (PPV + TPR)
        # LRp = TPR / FPR  # positive likelihood ratio (LR+)
        # LRn = FNR / TNR  # negative likelihood ratio (LR+)

        evaluation = {
            "TPR": TPR,
            "TNR": TNR,
            "PPV": PPV,
            "NPV": NPV,
            "FPR": FPR,
            "FNR": FNR,
            "FDR": FDR,
            "FOR": FOR,
            "F1": F1,
            # "LR+": LRp,
            # "LR-": LRn,

        # self.metrics_evaluation[metric] = evaluation

    return evaluation


Find the optimal cutoff point


Type Description

Optimal cutoff value

Source code in evalify/
def find_optimal_cutoff(self):
    """Find the optimal cutoff point
        float: Optimal cutoff value

    self.optimal_cutoff = {}
    for metric in self.metrics:
        fpr, tpr, threshold = roc_curve(self.df["target"], self.df[metric])
        i = np.arange(len(tpr))
        roc = pd.DataFrame(
                "tf": pd.Series(tpr - (1 - fpr), index=i),
                "threshold": pd.Series(threshold, index=i),
        roc_t = roc.iloc[( - 0).abs().argsort()[:1]]
        self.optimal_cutoff[metric] = roc_t["threshold"].item()
    return self.optimal_cutoff

find_threshold_at_fpr(self, fpr)

Finds optimal threshold at a given FPR.


Name Type Description Default
fpr float

False positive rate to find best threshold for.



Type Description

A dictionary with keys as metrics and values as thresholds.


Type Description

If fpr is not between 0 and 1.

Source code in evalify/
def find_threshold_at_fpr(self, fpr: float):
    """Finds optimal threshold at a given FPR.

        fpr: False positive rate to find best threshold for.
        dict: A dictionary with keys as metrics and values as thresholds.
        ValueError: If `fpr` is not between 0 and 1.
    if not 0 <= fpr <= 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "`fpr` must be between 0 and 1. " f"Received wanted_fpr={fpr}"
    threshold_at_fpr = {}
    for metric in self.metrics:
        predicted = self.predicted_as_similarity(metric)
        FPR, TPR, thresholds = roc_curve(
            self.df["target"], predicted, drop_intermediate=False
        df_fpr_tpr = pd.DataFrame({"FPR": FPR, "TPR": TPR, "Threshold": thresholds})
        ix_left = np.searchsorted(df_fpr_tpr["FPR"], fpr, side="left")
        ix_right = np.searchsorted(df_fpr_tpr["FPR"], fpr, side="right")

        if fpr == 0:
            best = df_fpr_tpr.iloc[ix_right]
        elif fpr == 1 or ix_left == ix_right:
            best = df_fpr_tpr.iloc[ix_left]
            best = (
                if abs(df_fpr_tpr.iloc[ix_left].FPR - fpr)
                < abs(df_fpr_tpr.iloc[ix_right].FPR - fpr)
                else df_fpr_tpr.iloc[ix_right]
        best = best.to_dict()
            best["Threshold"] = REVERSE_DISTANCE_TO_SIMILARITY.get(metric)(
        threshold_at_fpr[metric] = best
    return threshold_at_fpr

get_binary_prediction(self, metric, threshold)

Find binary prediction from distance or similarity.


Name Type Description Default

Metric name for the desired prediction.


Cut off threshold.



Type Description

Binary predictions.

Source code in evalify/
def get_binary_prediction(self, metric, threshold):
    """Find binary prediction from distance or similarity.
        metric: Metric name for the desired prediction.
        threshold: Cut off threshold.
        pd.Series: Binary predictions.
    return (
        self.df[metric].apply(lambda x: 1 if x < threshold else 0)
        if metric in DISTANCE_TO_SIMILARITY
        else self.df[metric].apply(lambda x: 1 if x > threshold else 0)


Find ROC AUC for all the metrics used.


Type Description

An OrderedDict with AUC for all metrics.

Source code in evalify/
def get_roc_auc(self) -> OrderedDict:
    """Find ROC AUC for all the metrics used.
        collections.OrderedDict: An OrderedDict with AUC for all metrics.
    self.roc_auc = {}
    for metric in self.metrics:
        predicted = self.predicted_as_similarity(metric)
        fpr, tpr, thresholds = roc_curve(
            self.df["target"], predicted, drop_intermediate=False
        self.roc_auc[metric] = auc(fpr, tpr)
    self.roc_auc = OrderedDict(
        sorted(self.roc_auc.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)
    return self.roc_auc

predicted_as_similarity(self, metric)

Convert distance metrics to a similarity measure.


Name Type Description Default
metric str

distance metric to convert to similarity. If a similarity metric is passed, It gets returned unchanged.



Type Description

Converted distance to similarity.

Source code in evalify/
def predicted_as_similarity(self, metric: str) -> pd.Series:
    """Convert distance metrics to a similarity measure.
        metric: distance metric to convert to similarity. If a similarity metric is
            passed, It gets returned unchanged.
        pd.Series: Converted distance to similarity.

    predicted = self.df[metric]
    if metric in DISTANCE_TO_SIMILARITY:
        predicted = (
            if metric in self.cached_predicted_as_similarity
            else DISTANCE_TO_SIMILARITY.get(metric)(predicted)
        self.cached_predicted_as_similarity[metric] = predicted
    return predicted

run(self, X, y, metrics='cosine_similarity', same_class_samples='full', different_class_samples='minimal', batch_size='best', shuffle=False, seed=None, return_embeddings=False, p=3)

Runs an experiment for face verification


Name Type Description Default
X ndarray

Embeddings array

y ndarray

Targets for X as integers

metrics Union[str, Sequence[str]]
  • 'cosine_similarity'
  • 'pearson_similarity'
  • 'cosine_distance'
  • 'euclidean_distance'
  • 'euclidean_distance_l2'
  • 'minkowski_distance'
  • 'manhattan_distance'
  • 'chebyshev_distance'
  • list/tuple containing more than one of them.
same_class_samples Union[str, int]
  • 'full': Samples all possible images within each class to create all all possible positive pairs.
  • int: Samples specific number of images for every class to create nC2 pairs where n is passed integer.
different_class_samples Union[str, int, Sequence[Union[str, int]]]
  • 'full': Samples one image from every class with all possible pairs of different classes. This can grow exponentially as the number of images increase. (N, M) = (1, "full")
  • 'minimal': Samples one image from every class with one image of all other classes. (N, M) = (1, 1). (Default)
  • int: Samples one image from every class with provided number of images of every other class.
  • tuple or list: (N, M) Samples N images from every class with M images of every other class.
batch_size Union[str, int]
  • 'best': Let the program decide based on available memory such that every batch will fit into the available memory. (Default)
  • int: Manually decide the batch_size.
  • None: No batching. All experiment and intermediate results must fit into memory or a MemoryError will be raised.
shuffle bool

Whether to shuffle the returned experiment dataframe. Default: False.

return_embeddings bool

Whether to return the embeddings instead of indexes. Default: False

p int

The order of the norm of the difference. Should be 0 < p < 1, Only valid with minkowski_distance as a metric. Default = 3



Type Description

A DataFrame representing the experiment results.


Type Description

An error occurred with the provided arguments.


same_class_samples: If the provided number is greater than the achievable for the class, the maximum possible combinations are used. different_class_samples: If the provided number is greater than the achievable for the class, the maximum possible combinations are used. (N, M) can also be ('full', 'full') but this will calculate all possible combinations between all posibile negative samples. If the dataset is not small this will probably result in an extremely large array!.

Source code in evalify/
def run(
    X: np.ndarray,
    y: np.ndarray,
    metrics: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = "cosine_similarity",
    same_class_samples: T_str_int = "full",
    different_class_samples: Union[str, int, Sequence[T_str_int]] = "minimal",
    batch_size: Union[T_str_int, None] = "best",
    shuffle: bool = False,
    seed: Union[int, None] = None,
    return_embeddings: bool = False,
    p: int = 3,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Runs an experiment for face verification

        X: Embeddings array
        y: Targets for X as integers
            - 'cosine_similarity'
            - 'pearson_similarity'
            - 'cosine_distance'
            - 'euclidean_distance'
            - 'euclidean_distance_l2'
            - 'minkowski_distance'
            - 'manhattan_distance'
            - 'chebyshev_distance'
            - list/tuple containing more than one of them.
            - 'full': Samples all possible images within each class to create all
                all possible positive pairs.
            -  int: Samples specific number of images for every class to create
                nC2 pairs where n is passed integer.
            - 'full': Samples one image from every class with all possible pairs
                of different classes. This can grow exponentially as the number
                of images increase. (N, M) = (1, "full")
            - 'minimal': Samples one image from every class with one image of
                all other classes. (N, M) = (1, 1). (Default)
            - int: Samples one image from every class with provided number of
                images of every other class.
            - tuple or list: (N, M) Samples N images from every class with M images of
                every other class.
            - 'best': Let the program decide based on available memory such that every
                batch will fit into the available memory. (Default)
            - int: Manually decide the batch_size.
            - None: No batching. All experiment and intermediate results must fit into
                memory or a MemoryError will be raised.
        shuffle: Whether to shuffle the returned experiment dataframe. Default: False.
        return_embeddings: Whether to return the embeddings instead of indexes.
            Default: False
            The order of the norm of the difference. Should be `0 < p < 1`, Only valid with minkowski_distance as a metric.
            Default = 3

        pandas.DataFrame: A DataFrame representing the experiment results.

        ValueError: An error occurred with the provided arguments.

            If the provided number is greater than the achievable for the class,
            the maximum possible combinations are used.
            If the provided number is greater than the achievable for the class,
            the maximum possible combinations are used. (N, M) can also be
            ('full', 'full') but this will calculate all possible combinations
            between all posibile negative samples. If the dataset is not small
            this will probably result in an extremely large array!.
    if isinstance(metrics, str):
        metrics = (metrics,)

        metrics, same_class_samples, different_class_samples, batch_size, p
    X, y = _validate_vectors(X, y)
    all_targets = np.unique(y)
    all_pairs = []
    metric_fns = list(map(metrics_caller.get, metrics))
    self.seed = seed
    self.rng = np.random.default_rng(self.seed)
    for target in all_targets:
        all_pairs += self._get_pairs(

    self.df = pd.DataFrame(
        data=all_pairs, columns=["img_a", "img_b", "target_a", "target_b", "target"]
    experiment_size = len(self.df)
    if shuffle:
        self.df = self.df.sample(frac=1, random_state=seed)
    if batch_size == "best":
        batch_size = calculate_best_batch_size(X)
    elif batch_size is None:
        batch_size = experiment_size
    kwargs = {}
    if any(metric in METRICS_NEED_NORM for metric in metrics):
        kwargs["norms"] = get_norms(X)
    if any(metric in METRICS_NEED_ORDER for metric in metrics):
        kwargs["p"] = p

    img_a = self.df.img_a.to_numpy()
    img_b = self.df.img_b.to_numpy()

    img_a_s = np.array_split(img_a, np.ceil(experiment_size / batch_size))
    img_b_s = np.array_split(img_b, np.ceil(experiment_size / batch_size))

    for metric, metric_fn in zip(metrics, metric_fns):
        self.df[metric] = np.hstack(
            [metric_fn(X, i, j, **kwargs) for i, j in zip(img_a_s, img_b_s)]
    if return_embeddings:
        self.df["img_a"] = X[img_a].tolist()
        self.df["img_b"] = X[img_b].tolist()

    self.experiment_sucess = True
    self.metrics = metrics
    return self.df


Evalify metrics module used for calculating the evaluation metrics.

Optimized calculations using einstein sum. Embeddings array and norm arrays are indexed with every split and calculations happens over large data chunks very quickly.


Evalify utils module contains various utilites serving other modules.

calculate_best_batch_size(X, available_mem=None)

Calculate maximum rows to fetch per batch without going out of memory.

We need 3 big arrays to be held in memory (A, B, A*B)

Source code in evalify/
def calculate_best_batch_size(X, available_mem=None):
    """Calculate maximum rows to fetch per batch without going out of memory.

    We need 3 big arrays to be held in memory (A, B, A*B)
    available_mem = _calc_available_memory() if available_mem is None else available_mem
    if available_mem > 2 * GB_TO_BYTE:
        max_total_rows = np.floor(available_mem - GB_TO_BYTE / X[0].nbytes)
        return max_total_rows // 3
        max_total_rows = np.floor(available_mem / X[0].nbytes)
        return max_total_rows // 5